Our Lady Of Flowers

Francisco Camacho

© Nacho Correa

For Camacho, the body in performance emerges as that nervous system shattered by a fragmentary, violent past that is neither dead nor for away in time, but a past inscribed in our own bodies, a past surviving its own absurdities within the living bodies on both sides of the stage at the very of performance.

OUR LADY OF FLOWERS a solo by Francisco Camacho shares the title with Genet novel, but only the title. Presented in over forty venues in Europe and South America since its première in 1993, OUR LADY OF FLOWERS is a choreography of convulsion, of obsession, of failing physiological systems, of the collapsing body, of the dance in absolute sensual pleasure. An invocation of ghosts, of ridicule and laughter, of sensuality and of obscenity in which Camacho – as once André Lepecki described – give us the history of the body in pain and pleasure, organising a dancing body that fragments what was thought unified showing the heterogeneity of what was imagined consistent with itself (Foucault).

Our Lady of Flowers or the requiem through certainties” by João Oliveira

OUR LADY OF THE FLOWERS was awarded with a special mention of the Prize ACARTE/Maria Madalena de Azeredo Perdigão 1992/93 – Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

© Nacho Correa


Choreography and dancer Francisco Camacho
Costume Carlota Lagido
Lights Frank Laubenheimer
Music Jordi Savall
Technical Director Pedro Machado
Production EIRA
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