The Things We Carry

Francisco Camacho

25 Jan 2022 / 08:30pm
Moda Sahnesi Büyük Salon
Istanbul, Turkey

Are the things we carry the ones we need? Are they the ones that allow us to survive? Or are they those that allow us to perpetuate a model of life already known without questioning it? The performance unfolds through a continuum of actions that evoke travel, nomadism, the creation of conditions for survival and for the maintenance of a model of life already familiar.

 The Things We Carry gathers two contemporary dance communities that define, to the south, the western and eastern extremes of continental Europe. With an artistic team rooted in two harbor cities, Lisbon and Istanbul combine a high contrasting socio-cultural realities, with a pronounced intersection of diverse traditions and nationalities, and it is only natural that the artistic work should partially reflect these characteristics.

Do we repeat inconsequent gestures without realizing their arbitrariness, or do we repeat them because without them we would allow the void to creep in?


Artistic Direction Francisco Camacho
Created with and performed by Leyla Postalcıoğlu, Mihran Tomasyan, Berke Can Özcan
Live Sound Berke Can Özcan
Light design Cem Yılmazer
Costume design Selen Hayal
Light Yasin Gültepe, Utku Kara
Artistic Assistant Carlota Lloret, Selim Cizdan
Poster Alican Tezer, Ana Freitas
Photo Kam stüdyo, Mustafa Erdogan
Production EİRA & Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyası
Supported by Government of Portugal, DG Artes, Camões Institute, Portugal's Embassy in Turkey
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