PED – Dance Study Project is a training program led by Francisco Camacho, regularly promoted by EIRA. It is aimed at those professionally active in the performing arts and has the objective of promoting the aspects related to interpretation through the transmission of the dancer’s artistic practices. It stems from his areas of artistic interest, but which embark common demands in a creative process, with a focus on issues of mastery and expansion of expressive potential, creative response and mechanisms to stimulate the imaginary, and modes of scenic presence.

This edition will begin with a visit guided by Francisco Camacho to the exhibition “1982/2022 – Around dance: traces and presences” at the Museu Nacional do Teatro e da Dança, serving to identify and elaborate on guidelines of the work to be developed, always in a perspective of overcoming limits and achieving a more singular performativity. Thus, this edition fosters the contact with the public, experienced in different contexts of presentation: between the Largo Residências – Quartel do Largo do Cabeço de Bola and the aforementioned museum.

These moments of visibility aim to provide experiences of presence and diversified performativity, researching different interpretative resources according to the places of those who perform and those who watch, sharing the same space or being in clearly demarcated areas, considering proximity and distance.

Happening alongside the 2023 edition of the Festival Cumplicidades, the participation in PED will grant free access to some performances, which will contribute to amplify the program’s content.

06 May – National Museum of Theatre and Dance – 10am to 5pm
8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th May – Largo Residências – Barracks of the Largo do Cabeço de Bola – 10am to 2pm
13th May – Largo Residências – Barracks of the Largo do Cabeço de Bola – 10 am to 5 pm
15th, 16th May – Largo Residências – Cabeço de Bola Square – 10am to 2pm
May 17th – Largo Residências – Barracks of the Largo do Cabeço de Bola – 10am to 7pm (6pm public presentation)
18th May – Largo Residências – Quartel do Largo do Cabeço de Bola Square – 10am to 2pm
19th May – National Museum of Theatre and Dance – 10am to 2pm
20th May – National Museum of Theatre and Dance – 10ham to 16h (15h – Public Presentation)

Advisor: Francisco Camacho
Cost: 100€ (with access to four performances of the Festival Cumplicidades)

Deadline for registration: 26 April 2023
Result of the selected applicants: 28 April 2023

Limit of participants: 12


Orientação Francisco Camacho
Direção de Produção Eira Lucinda Gomes
Produção Executiva Magda Maia, Teresa de Brito e Tiago Sgarbi
Design Gráfico Ana Freitas (Many Islands)
Assessoria de Imprensa Levina Valentim
Apoio Largo Residências – Quartel do Largo do Cabeço de Bola e Museu Nacional do Teatro e da Dança
Financiamento República Portuguesa - Cultura | DGARTES - Direção-Geral das Artes e Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
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