Pangeia – Mostra de Artes Performativas de Odemira
Tiago Cadete

© Catarina Espiga
PANGAEA – based on brothers Grimm offers the audience a sound and visual experience. In the first stage of the show the children are seated down in the audience where is presented a mistery for them to solve like a treasure hunt. In a second stage the group climbs up for the stage and with the help of headphones and mp3 players that have some sound-clues, the story of Brothers Grimm by the point of view of the object that represents each story will be revealed (King Frog crown, Cinderella cristal shoe, etc.).
The experience is similar to an exhibition gallery, where normally the spectator is conducted by an educator that helps him observe the objects shown or aided by an audioguide that helps him to situate himself in the exhibition space.
Opposing to the traditional disposition that places the public in the audience and the show in the stage, we choose a disposition similar to a traditional classroom environment or a movie theatre. In PANGAEA, the spectator becomes autonomous in the fruition of the artistic object, by choosing his own point of view and the duration of the observation.
During this experience, the two interpreters that give life to the image of the Brothers Grimm help the group by revealing information that can help decipher the mystery that lies beyond so many objects.

© Catarina Espiga
Creation / Instalation / Cenography Tiago Cadete
Research Assistants Tiago Cadete, Joanas Lopes, Leonor Cabral and Bernardo de Almeida
Interpretation Leonor Cabral, Bernardo de Almeida and João Brito
Voice-off Alfredo Martins, Ana Mendes, Bruno Alexandre, Alexandre Huca, Catarina Vieira, Célia Jorge, Crista Alfaiate, David Marques, Fabíola Lebre, Isabél Zuaa, Joana Barros, João de Brito, João Sousa, João Villas-Boas, Luís Puto, Marco Paiva, Marina Ana Filipe, Miguel Damião, Paula Diogo, Raquel André, Solange Freitas, Tânia Alves, Tiago Bôto and Wagner Borges
Costumes Carlota Lagido
Technical Direction Nuno Patinho
Funded By GDA
Co-production Culturgest
Host Ensaios Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas, Espaço EIRA / Teatro da Voz
Supports FIAR, ONDISC, Voz do Operário
Production EIRA