
Ines Campos

“Coexistimos” is a collage of metaphors about the challenge of being one and wanting to be many.

To be the tiger and the tamer, a sad clown and a fit of laughter, live several bodies, wanting to be the reality of your dreams. Like a wave at sea, going through temporary states and be fully present in each of them. Wandering is an end in itself. Full of forget-me-nots and sweating, singing and dancing, a frenzy so good it feels like magic. And, of course, it is.

Coexistimos expresses the firm belief that arts are promiscuous and enjoy the company of one another. It has dance, theater, cinema, manipulation of objects, architecture in movement, and varied arti fices that try to create a succession of illusions.

© Raphaël Decoster

Ficha Técnica

Concept and Performance Inês Campos
Music and Sound Design Filipe Fernandes and João Grilo
Projection and Draw Mariana Figueroa and Inês Campos
Props & Scenography Inês Campos, Mariana Figueroa e Marta Figueroa
Artistic Advisor Pietro Romani
Executive Production Eira
Financial Support Teatro Municipal do Porto
Artistic Residences Teatro do Campo Alegre, Companhia Instável, Högskolan för scen och musik Gothenburg, Teatro De Ferro, deVIR CAPa, Free Flow, Bando dos Gambozinos
Acknowledgements António Campos, Miguel Carneiro, Jorge Soares, JAS, Johannes Hallikas, Maria Lis, Feio, Ni Araújo, Pedro Marques, Tiago Candal, Teia Campos, Tânia Carvalho
Promotional Image Raphaël Decoster
Film Register and Editing Cláudia Varejão
Teaser Film Register Marta Figueroa, Editing Inês Campos
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